Behind-the-Scenes | Satellite Keepsakes
Inside Bryan DeProspero's solo show at the Longview Gallery
Continuing the theme of exciting updates…
If you haven’t been to the Longview Gallery in a few weeks, this is your reminder that there’s a new exhibit titled “Satellite Keepsakes” by local artist Bryan DeProspero.
Vibrant, abstract oil paintings on canvas and rice paper populate the walls and hang from the wooden beams. The exhibit includes a wide collection of the artist’s work, and its theme follows recurring motifs: celestial bodies, waves, tides, and pools.
Every artwork is a satellite tethered by gravity to the maker, it reminds them of their cycles and creative nature.
-Bryan DeProspero
Below are some behind-the-scenes photos of the installation process. Bryan did a great job of utilizing the distinctive space to display his work in new ways.

One of my favorite characteristics of this exhibit is Bryan’s choice to incorporate 3 of his sketchbooks on floating shelves.
The tactile act of flipping the pages and interacting with the texture gives the viewer a unique experience, and a glance into the artist’s creative process.
Opening Reception
What started as a rainy Saturday turned into a brisk, golden evening.
Some key moments: with the barn doors wide open, visitors mingled both outside and inside. Kids ran around the farm saving leaf bugs. Birchrun Hills’ cheese was devoured. The sunset was as pink as ever.
There were even magic tricks toward the end of the night!

Thank you to everyone who came out! We were pleased to see familiar faces and greet many new ones as well. We hope you all had a great time.
As always, big shoutout to Birchrun Hills Farm for sponsoring our receptions!
Satellite Keepsakes define me peripherally. They have predetermined the new moons yet to come and invite themselves to exist in the present.
- Bryan DeProspero
1st Saturday Live Music
As you might know, every 1st Saturday is an opportunity to visit the farm.
On October 5th from 5 - 8PM there will be live music in the gallery, accompanied by wine and snacks. We’ve started calling this event a “Midshow Reception,” as it celebrates the halfway point of the exhibit.
If you missed the opening reception, this is the perfect chance to see the exhibit and chat with the artist.
Our live music evenings are laid-back and open to all ages! RSVP here (recommended, but not required). More details will be shared on Instagram in the next week.
See you soon x